We learned about Qi energy and how balance brings a harmony. Why is this a good thing? As a healer we must be clear of all low vibrations that connect us to doubt, fear, anxiety and being spiritually disconnected. Although we have spiritual gifts, we have to work on them. The following are the notes from class. I will be connecting with you on a One on One in the next 2 weeks for Q&A.
Reference Scripture: 14 Do not neglect the spiritual gift within you, [that special endowment] which was intentionally bestowed on you [by the Holy Spirit] through prophetic utterance when the [c]elders laid their hands on you [at your ordination]. 15 Practice and work hard on these things; be absorbed in them [completely occupied in your ministry], so that your progress will be evident to all. 16 Pay close attention to yourself [concentrate on your personal development] and to your teaching; persevere in these things [hold to them], for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you. 1Tim. 4:14-16 AMP
Qi Energy - Although the practice predates ancient Kemetic Wisdom, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has become a tried and true system of holistic healing practice known for its great diversity of natural ways to be well for all. The main goal of TCM is to create harmony between our mind, body, and the environment around us. It focuses on discovering/treating the root cause of your Qi imbalances that's causing the illnesses in the first place and promoting a self care/preventative lifestyle VS treating the symptoms only so you are kept dependent on it.
A old Chinese saying is, a good doctor is one that can cure you so you don't ever have to visit him/her again. A bad doctor is one that keeps you coming back to pay him/her more and more.
One way to create harmony is by making sure your Qi is balanced. “Qi,” or “Chi,” means life energy and it stands for the energy in all things. Your Qi provides the energy for important bodily functions like your digestion, metabolism, and overall strength. It is also represented in all other physical aspects of energy like sunlight, plants, animals, and electricity. Including other facets like your thoughts and emotions are also powered by your Qi. Everything in the entire universe is made up of Qi - the invisible source of life energy.
Ways to balance your Qi Energy - Diet Sleep Exercise – Qi Gong Herbal Tea Meditation Nature Accupressure Deep Breathing Clearing negative thoughts “Belly Breathing” can help relax your mind and body and bring more oxygen into your system.
1.Begin - by relaxing your face, neck, jaw and shoulders. Continue to slowly relax the rest of your body.
2. Rest the tip of your tongue on your upper palate just behind the upper front teeth. This connects the Du Mai and Ren Mai meridians for healthy energy flow.
3. Then, sit with your eyes closed and straight spine.
4. Observe the natural rhythm of your inhalations and exhalations, without focusing too hard. Just lightly focus on your breath coming in and out. Follow the breath in this way for twelve inhales, and twelve exhales.
5. Now place one hand on your chest, and another hand on your lower abdomen. When you inhale, allow your chest and ribs to expand and your abdomen to relax and expand outward into your hand. Keep it gentle without forcing. Breathe this way for nine inhales and nine exhales.
Homework: Administer your High Vibrational Energy on those around you by:
-Spend more time in the Secret Place with Most High in silence (meditation)
-Connect with Holy Spirit through seeking instruction
-Changing the atmosphere in your home/work/space
-Practicing the High Vibe activities often
-Set your intentions to maintain balance
-Try Qi Gong movements
-Write down your dreams for our next meet up